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We are back talking about organization, here we go...
If you do not have a toolbox, We encourage you to get one. You will love it! We loved ours so much, we got one for our home offices, too! You can find so many different templates out there, just make sure they will fit your drawers. Not all toolboxes are created the same!
Here is one of our "Happy" designs. This HUGE one is what we us in our classrooms. We have other teachers who do not have one come to us to grab something.
They are SUPER handy!
Karen's home tool box:
Karen laminates her pieces first and then hot glues them on the front of the drawers. Takes a couple more steps, but they are very durable. The labels also POP better because they are not behind the plastic.
You could use clear packaging tape, too.
Both these designs can be found in our TPT store along with several others!
Click here to see what we have to offer.
(We can always design one to match your room!)
Our next tip is organizing all of your "Yes/No" or Daily Question graphing materials.
A great classroom tool for so many reasons! The kids love seeing where their friends put their cards, easy to take attendance, great discussion topic for morning meetings, etc. They are Terrific!!!
If you change out your "Question of the Day" every morning then you have a ton of cards!
We have found that by using one of these accordion file organizers is terrific!
Here is what we did:
We got on of those accordion file holders and labeled the outside with a simple label and the inside with every category/theme we used.
Then we filed the cards in each pocket. Some we rubber banded together to keep them in the order we wanted to use them.
Other ideas:
You could use a binder and clear sleeves to store them in. You could also use those zipper pencil bags, too!
Find an option that works BEST for you and have fun organizing!
Haven't tried a "Yes/No" or daily question graph in your room? You can check out our sets in our store. They may help you get started!
Click here to get to our graphs:
We find accordion bags are a great way to organize! Here is another way we have used them.
Labeling your classroom can be daunting task!
Before you even begin, you really need to think about how you want it to look, how it will work for your students, will it be crowded when the kids are shopping, what you can keep up with, etc.
After a great deal of planning, research, and lots of conversations with other teachers ...
(Thank you so much for your input Betty Melker!!!)
we decided we were ready.
We planned all of our labels for the baskets and books. Created them and printed them on cards and labels.
We then needed a system. It was too much to have all of those labels spread out all over the tables.
We decided to organize them by the type of library they belong in. Ex. Non-Fiction, Heart's Desire, Just Right Readers, etc. It is really nice if you can find a friend at your school organizing at the same time. Alison and I worked together on this project a few years ago and if I ran out of a label, I could just grab one from her and keep working without having to stop and deal with printing. We also could bounce levels off of each other.
These are our holders for our labels for our library.
When not in use, they stay in here:
Here is what they look on the inside of each one:
This organization made creating the BEST library for our kids possible!
Here are my book baskets with their labels ...
You can find our basket labels in our store, the book labels are coming soon!
This set has over 200 basket labels!
We are in the process of making more sets in a variety of backgrounds.

We hope you found something today that might help you in your classroom.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Happy Organizing,
Karen & Alison
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