We just
discovered we've been nominated for a blogging award! We have to give Ms.
P at Fourth Grade Eyes a HUGE thank
you for the nomination. What a super sweet surprise! Thank you
so much Ms. P for nominating us!!!
Go and check out her blog today.
In case you
haven’t heard of the Liebster, it’s an award given to blogs with
fewer than 200 subscribers that are worthy of more recognition and link love.
Which is why
it’s called the Liebster Award — liebe is German
for love.
To accept the
nomination there are a some things I have to do:
1. Link
back to the blog that nominated me
Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the
questions posted by my nominator
4. Share
11 random facts about myself
5. Create
11 questions for my nominees
6. Contact
my nominees to let them know I nominated them
are the great blogs I am nominating:
4. KinderMyles
Questions from
Ms. P
1. Why did you
start blogging?
We started
blogging to share ideas. We have been teaching a combined total of 40
years & have so many ideas and materials to share. We should have
started sooner, but have been way too busy having families and being the best
teachers we could be.
2. What do you
find most rewarding about being a teacher?
We love when that
little light goes on & the feeling of pride each child has in their
successes. Our main focus is the child as a whole not just the learner.
3. If you could
go anywhere, where would you choose?
Karen: “I
would go to Disney. My husband says I live there in my head anyway.”
Alison: “Anywhere
4. How do you
spend your free time (outside of the classroom)?
Alison: “With
my family.”
5. What
book/movie title best represents your life?
Alison: “Gone
with the Wind because I can identify with Scarlet O’Hara.”
6. What one
thing is a must to make it through the school day?
Alison: “My coffee
in the morning.”
7. Name a famous
person (past or present) you would like to meet. Why?
“Ronald Reagan because he is the best President we have had & he was great
in film.”
8. What is your
greatest professional accomplishment?
“Guide of the Week & Workshop Presenter"
Alison: “Spotlight
Teacher 2012-2013”
9. What do you
like best about the age group you teach?
“Kindergarten is my favorite grade because I love getting the kids from the
beginning of their school career and mold them & watch them grow.”
10. If money
were no object, what is one thing you would get for your classroom?
Alison: “I
would want my classroom to be just like the one in Kindergarten Cop!”
11. Who is one
influential person in your life?
Alison: ”My
mom & dad! They have always been there for me and my life would
not be how it is without their love and support!”
11 Random Facts
About Us:
1. Karen was
Alison’s student teacher & we have been friends ever since.
2. Alison is
addicted to Twilight!!!
3. Karen will
stop the car & pull things out of the trash for her classroom. She is
very Earth friendly!
4. Alison enjoys
scrapbooking & reading.
5. Karen enjoys
crafting and hates to cook.
6. Alison loves
to travel and spend time with her grandson.
7. Karen uses
Twizzlers to drink with at the movies.
8. Alison
loves little Debbie Swiss Cake
9. Karen loves the movie …
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days!
10. Alison is the 8th
generation of Mary as her 1st name.”
11. We
both LOVE happy faces and have tons around our classrooms.
11 Questions For
Our Nominees:
1. Who was
your favorite teacher growing up & what grade did he/she teach?
2. Where did
you go on your last vacation?
3. What
cartoon character is most like you? Why?
4. How many
years have you been a teacher?
5. What was
your favorite subject growing up in school?
6. What
TV character do you relate to & why?
7. Do you
hoard school materials? If so, what do you hoard?
8. What
made you decide to become a teacher?
9. What do you
do to relax after a hard day?
10. Do you
teach in open concept or closed concept? Which do you prefer?
11. Do you
have a comfort food? If so, what is it?
OK. I hope
you learned a little about us & want to stick with us on our adventure
& we did not scare you off.
We are off to
surprise our nominees. Happy Teaching!