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June 30, 2014

Monday Made It

We are linking up with Tara again for another "Monday Made It!"  We love sharing on this linky party!!!

Our projects this week are a little random :o)

This is a reward chart that I made for my son's Pre-K class by request.  She handed out colored pom-pom balls, and they got to trade them into the store for rewards.  My son loved it! He was in The Moose class!
Here is Corey the day we made the chart.  
Here is the chart in action ... Corey just traded in his pom-poms

She used this Reward Pack as her store:.
It has tons of free items to give out as rewards!
Just click on the picture to go to the product!

Everyone has been making the dice on Pinterest in the
small containers. Well ... now I have mine!
 I love them, but I like the idea of using foam dice to make them a little more quiet!  I think I will switch out the dice when I get back to my classroom.  I also made little labels so others can borrow them and not get them mixed up or lost. :o) Once I find the file, I will share it!

#3 is a funny one ... 

Does your felt/flannel board ever get those little balls on it?
Mine did, especially when I let the kids use pieces with Velcro on them. 
Here is a picture of mine:  YUCK!

I took my felt board home, and my daughter and I worked on it to make it smooth again.
She is such a great helper!
Here is what we did ...
 We got a razor and a "Fuzz Buster" to see which one worked better.
They both had their positives! We just kept working at it.
I kinda liked the razor.  The "Fuzz Buster" was safer for KK.
It took a little while but the end results were worth it!
The front of the board has blue and the back has black.
 Kalyn working hard!!!

Here is the board all clean!  Nice.... right?  
Great job KK!

Then, I "zebra-fied" it with Duct tape!  

I hope you had fun visiting our little blog!  Please follow us for more fun ideas! We have so much to share!
Happy Summer!
Karen and Alison

June 29, 2014

Monday Made It!

We are linking up with Tara again for another "Monday Made It!"  We love sharing on this linky party!!!

WOW what a crazy week!  We are so sorry this is VERY late!  We have been working over time on our newest bundles.  We went from 2 to 6 in a week!  Plus ... busy times with our family!  VBS was a blast this last week!
Here is what we have been working on ...
500 pages of FUN!!!
Save time and money by buying them all at once!
More are coming this week!
Just click on the picture to go straight to the bundle you like!

 Look at everything that is included:
1. Complete Calendar/Weather set (22 pgs)
2. Helper Jobs – 63 different jobs and header (15
3. Classroom hall passes – 12 different passes (12
4. Word Wall Alphabet Cards – large (13
5. Word Wall Headers &150 S.W. cards (32
6. Sight word cards (editable) (1
7. Welcome banner (9
8. Desk name tags (6
9. Wall name plates to display work (7
10. Skill banners (8
11. Learning Objectives posters (editable) (9
12. Note cards (editable) – different sizes (7
13. Newsletter (editable) (8
14. Getting to know you form (editable) (1
15. Rules, Rewards, Consequences posters (8
16. Helper/Reader sign up sheets (4
17. Birthday chart (editable) (2
18. Yes/No Graph (editable) (24
19. Sharp/
Unsharp Pencils signs (2 pgs)
20. Behavior Clip Chart (20
21. Table Colors/Numbers (12
22. Toolbox Organization Labels (editable) (4
23. Tote tray Supply labels (16
24. Stars & Wishes Class donations (editable) (19
25. U.S./Texas Pledge posters (4
26. Centers/Stations signs (173
27. Schedule cards (29
28. Homework Club (5
29. Parent Communication Log (editable) (5
30. NOISE! Posters (3
31. Number Wall/Cards (20
32. Alphabet cards (14
33. Student Binder Cover & Spine (editable) (2

**If you don't want a whole bundle each items is available individually!

We hope this makes setting up your classroom a breeze!
Happy Summer!
Karen & Alison

June 27, 2014

Book Character Dress-up Day!

This is a get to know us better post :o)

I found this picture and just had to share ...

Book Character Dress-up Day was so much fun!

This is my little princess, Kalyn!
I am ... a pig ... LOL!

Karen and Kalyn

We had a great day and we had a parade, too!

Here is Kalyn with the BEST teacher in the world, Alison Wynn! She was so lucky to get her twice, once in Kinder and again in 1st!

Alison got to be Dopey, but she is the total opposite!
She is brilliant!  I am so lucky to be her friend and business partner!

This is Kalyn with Alison's grandson, Braydon. He had just gotten a new dog and named the dog Marley.  Perfect book for him!
Kalyn and Braydon are BEST BUDDIES! 

Do you do this at your school?
If so ... give me some ideas for next year. I have got to be something better than a pig!
Happy Teaching!
Karen & Alison

June 18, 2014

Opening a Teachers Pay Teachers Store~

We would love to help you!
Just click on the link below to get started: 

Once you have signed up as a basic or premium seller, send us an email to planethappysmiles@gmail.com
  We will get a notice from TPT, too. We will answer your questions, share your ideas, pin your products, etc. We love to help!
We look forward to being "TPT Pals" with you!
Thanks so much!
Karen & Alison

June 16, 2014

Monday Made it

We are linking up with Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics to bring to you .... one of our BIGGEST projects for our store so far!!!

Our 1st project is just a quick easy idea ...
We found some coloring/activity books at a dollar store.  Once we got home, we took them apart.
Now we can lay them out during "Meet the Teacher" and the kids can work on them while we are meeting other friends or their parents are filling out paperwork.
We can also put them back out the first day of school while we are waiting for all of our friends to come!

It saves on copies and the kids love them!!!

 Our 2nd project is our BIGGEST item in our store so far ... an over $50.00 value for less than 1/2 price.

Just click on the pictures to see them.
There is a great preview for both!  

Both bundles have ...
1. Complete Calendar/Weather set (22 pgs)
2. Helper Jobs – 63 different jobs and header (15 pgs)
3. Classroom hall passes – 12 different passes (12 pgs)
4. Word Wall Alphabet Cards – large (13 pgs)
5. Word Wall Headers &150 S.W. cards (32 pgs)
6. Sight word cards (editable) (1 pg)
7. Welcome banner (9 pgs)
8. Desk name tags (6 pgs)
9. Wall name plates to display work (7 pgs)
10. Skill banners (8 pgs)
11. Learning Objectives posters (editable) (9 pgs)
12. Note cards (editable) – different sizes (7 pgs)
13. Newsletter (editable) (8 pgs)
14. Getting to know you form (editable) (1 pg)
15. Rules, Rewards, Consequences posters (8 pgs)
16. Helper/Reader sign up sheets (4 pgs)
17. Birthday chart (editable) (2 pgs)
18. Yes/No Graph (editable) (24 pgs)
19. Sharp/Unsharp Pencils signs (2 pgs) 
20. Behavior Clip Chart (20 pgs)
21. Table Colors/Numbers (12 pgs)
22. Toolbox Organization Labels (editable) (4 pgs)
23. Tote tray Supply labels (16 pgs)
24. Stars & Wishes Class donations (editable) (19 pgs)
25. U.S./Texas Pledge posters (4 pgs)
26. Centers/Stations signs (173 pgs)
27. Schedule cards (29 pgs)
28. Homework Club (5 pgs)
29. Parent Communication Log (editable) (5 pgs)
30. NOISE! Posters (3 pgs)
31. Number Wall/Cards (20 pgs)
32. Alphabet cards (14 pgs)
33. Student Binder Cover & Spine (editable) (2 pgs)

We hope you love them!!!
We are adding new bundles soon!
We would love to hear which bundle you want us to make next!

Happy Summer!
Karen & Alison 

June 12, 2014

Center Signs ~ Stations Signs PLUS ... Rotation Cards

We have been working really hard on creating a variety of fun and exciting products for you!

One of the newest items is a set of center signs or station signs in a variety of styles. The files is 176 pages total & it has both sets of signs included!
If you love them but do not see your theme, please contact us at planethappysmiles@gmail.com
We would love to work with you!

Here is what each set has to offer:
We hope you love them!!!
We are already getting request for different themes!

Here are the sets we have so far, just click on the one you want to view:

If there is anything we can make for you, please email us!
Happy Teaching,
Karen & Alison

Please follow us for more fun & some freebies along the way!


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