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July 28, 2014

Monday Made It

Linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics is just too much fun! There are so many great ideas out there and we love checking out everyone's creativity!

Our BIGGEST accomplishment this summer would be the HUGE Classroom Theme Decor Bundles we have created.

They are $19.99 for over 500 pages and by buying it in the bundle you save over 50% off! 
All Sets include:
1. Complete Calendar/Weather set (22 pgs)
2. Helper Jobs – 63 different jobs and header (15 pgs)
3. Classroom hall passes – 12 different passes (12 pgs)
4. Word Wall Alphabet Cards – large (13 pgs)
5. Word Wall Headers &150 S.W. cards (32 pgs)
6. Sight word cards (editable) (1 pg)
7. Welcome banner (9 pgs)
8. Desk name tags (6 pgs)
9. Wall name plates to display work (7 pgs)
10. Skill banners (8 pgs)
11. Learning Objectives posters (editable) (9 pgs)
12. Note cards (editable) – different sizes (7 pgs)
13. Newsletter (editable) (8 pgs)
14. Getting to know you form (editable) (1 pg)
15. Rules, Rewards, Consequences posters (8 pgs)
16. Helper/Reader sign up sheets (4 pgs)
17. Birthday chart (editable) (2 pgs)
18. Yes/No Graph (editable) (24 pgs)
19. Sharp/Unsharp Pencils signs (2 pgs)
20. Behavior Clip Chart (20 pgs)
21. Table Colors/Numbers (12 pgs)
22. Toolbox Organization Labels (editable) (4 pgs)
23. Tote tray Supply labels (16 pgs)
24. Stars & Wishes Class donations (editable) (19 pgs)
25. U.S./Texas Pledge posters (4 pgs)
26. Centers/Stations signs (173 pgs)
27. Schedule cards (29 pgs)
28. Homework Club (5 pgs)
29. Parent Communication Log (editable) (5 pgs)
30. NOISE! Posters (3 pgs)
31. Number Wall/Cards (20 pgs)
32. Alphabet cards (14 pgs)
33. Student Binder Cover & Spine (editable) (2 pgs)

We have created 9 different sets and are in the process of adding more.  Our next set to hit our store will be a "Camping Theme." If you have a set in mind that we have not done, just email us at planethappysmiles@gmail.com
We love to take requests for products!

Here are the links to the bundles, just click on the pictures below:

Our BEST selling bundle is the Super Hero Theme Bundle with over 20 sold.
We appreciate your support of our work!

Thank you so much for viewing our Monday Made It!
We are very excited about how many people have added us to their list of TPT sellers to follow, we hope you will too!
Happy Decorating!
Karen and Alison


  1. Replies
    1. Katie,
      Thank you so much! The response has been terrific. Our top seller has been the "Super Hero" theme. We are very excited that you stopped by! Please come back again soon!
      Karen and Alison


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