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April 1, 2015

Currently ~ April

We are linking up for another edition

of Currently! I love reading about everyone's day!

Karen's Currently:

Listening:  It is so quiet when the kids go to bed.  This is the time I take to work and reflect.  I love the noise they make, but I also love quiet at night. 

Loving that it is the last day of the week tomorrow and I will have more time with my littles!  Both of them are playing sports and we need to practice outside.  Hoping the weatherman is wrong!

Thinking ... I really need to make a better plan. I started the Give It 100 challenge, but my body may need more than my original plan ... hummmmm.
Personal trainer ... where are you???

Needing:  I have got to go get my car washed due to all of the pollen and birds.  I put it off because we were at an 80% chance of rain today.  Must wash it soon!

Our name/classroom:  It is full of smiley faces.  When we started we had sooooo many more. We had to scale back. Our goal is to make the class a very happy and fun place to learn.  How can you be sad with a smiley face staring at you? LOL! Actually, there is more to the name but it would be a LONG post.

Have a very Happy April and a safe Easter weekend!

Make sure you link up with Farley so we can read all about your Currently!


  1. I love all of your smiles!! :) I agree, the noise from littles is amazing, but the peace after everyone is asleep is magnificent! I love staying up late to get work done. Enjoy your Easter weekend!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  2. I've been putting off washing my truck for the same reason! The guy that parks next to me at my complex drives a beautiful white Mercedes. He wipes it down with a cloth every day when he gets home- I feel like he is staring at my pollen-covered black truck and cringing every day!!! lol I had a trainer at one point and it was awesome/awful. I left every week so amazed at what I could do if someone was coaching me along!

  3. I'd love to see pictures of your classroom filled with smiley faces! Sounds like the perfect classroom to be in! :)



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