We are linking up with Teaching Trio for The Sunday Scoop!
It is so fun to read about what everyone is up to!
Here is Karen's Sunday Scoop:
I feel like I do the same things on Sunday most of the time. Today has been a great Sunday!!! I have been able to check several things off my "To Do" list.
I always feel good when I can look back over my day and feel like I accomplished something.
Do you like to write your "To Do" list out or have you gone digital?
Have a very HAPPY Sunday!
Here is Karen's Sunday Scoop:
I feel like I do the same things on Sunday most of the time. Today has been a great Sunday!!! I have been able to check several things off my "To Do" list.
I always feel good when I can look back over my day and feel like I accomplished something.
Do you like to write your "To Do" list out or have you gone digital?
Have a very HAPPY Sunday!
My To Do list is mental, digital, and on paper. I'm all over the place. I keep a mental list running all the time and I try to get it into the notes section of my phone as soon as possible, so things don't slip through the cracks. If paper is nearby, I prefer that because I'm more likely to actually accomplish things on a paper list.